
Our Latest Blogs

Our Latest Blogs

3 Steps to Customer-centricity through Insights & Analytics

Key Points A paradigm shift from a traditional product-centric strategy to customer-centric. Most of the customer data is in different silos hindering interoperability across the businesses. Tapping into data that generates integrated insights can place the customer experience at the center, to make every touchpoint personal. The wave of the digital revolution is actively pushing […]

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Data Analytics Fueling Digital Transformation

Enterprises are constantly trying to utilize the power of their data to discover potential growth opportunities. Businesses need to embrace digital transformation to remain competitive. To get digitized, collecting data from business-critical processes plays an important role. Without it, transformation is incomplete. This, if done right will pave the way to having the right data […]

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Does your Data Lie? – Top Key Takeaways

After overwhelming response to the first episode Are your Dashboards UGLY? held on 12th Nov 2020, we came back with yet another amazing Webinar “Does your Data Lie?” with our experts from ibi and Amtex BI on 21St January 2021. Does your Data Lie? This Webinar focused on how to get better quality, user friendly dashboards through applying best practices while creating Charts […]

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Top 5 Reasons to attend the Amtex BI webinar series 2020

The two-day ibi Virtual Summit 2020 had you hooked with the best sessions on data, analytics, product announcements, business trends, and new capabilities, that promise transforming your IB product setup into a highly available, high-performance, secure, & cost-effective insights center. Not only did we enjoy the exclusive conferences on WebFOCUS 8.2.07, Open Visualizations, Native AI/ML, […]

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IBI Summit 2020 – Top Takeaways

The first ibi Virtual Summit held on 23-24 June 2020, rang in some major announcements on numerous product innovations which will be delivering unprecedented value for ibi users (a.k.a builders) across industries and verticals. The virtual event opened doorways to customers, partners, data analysts, analytics enthusiasts, power users, and industry leaders, across the globe to […]

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